Thursday , March 6 2025



The city of Arezzo, site for both historical and modern attractions, hosted a new edition of the much awaited b2b workshop of the fall season: The “Autumn Encounters”.

Over the five past years, the “Autumn Encounters” have won greater awareness among key professionals of the jewelry sector worldwide. Once again OroArezzo Fiere and Tuscany Region welcomed professionals from around the world for another successful edition which run over the days of 16, 17, and 18 of October.

The event was meticulously organized and nothing was left for chance. Not one minute of lost. The three working days were completely invested in face to face meetings between buyers, including distributors and wholesalers on the one hand, and manufacturers from Italy and specially Arezzo city on the other hand; the meetings being done according to a schedule of appointments established well in advance, the buyers having previously selected the companies to meet with, and this according to the type of products they provide.

The event was not lacking glamour and leisure. The organizers having provided transportation and accommodation have also organized a gala dinner which was attended by all the participants who shared together unforgettable moments.

From the Middle East, 18 carefully selected companies attended the workshop coming from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Morocco, and Turkey. Mr. Fadi Imseeh, General Director of International Company for Goldsmith and Jewellery, one of the major Italian gold distributors in Jordan, commented saying that if he had to skip all the shows of the year, he will never miss the Autumn Encounters in Arezzo.

The “Autumn Encounters” are being coordinated in the Middle East in collaboration and under the consultancy of COLLECTION. Application forms for the next encounters are available upon request on

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