Saturday , February 22 2025



Successful start for the initiative Fiera di Vicenza “VICENZAORO Meets”.

A Memorandum of Agreement has been signed between Fiera di Vicenza and the Armenian Jewellers Association (AJA) to create new commercial opportunities in the Armenian Market.


We are getting into the heart of VICENZAORO Fall, the International Exhibition of Gold and Jewellery of Fiera di Vicenza that is exhibiting 1,200 jewel brands with qualified buyers coming from over the world till Wednesday 11 September.

A great novelty of the autumn edition of this exhibition is the discussion opportunity offered by “VICENZAORO Meet”, which successfully debuted on Saturday 7 September. “Fiera di Vicenza wants to lend an ear to the diverse industry voices in order to understand the needs of the companies and support their evolution” said the President, Mr. Paolo Mantovani, inaugurating the ‘virtual square’ that is hosting in these days some informal meetings organised to actually give the floor to jewellery companies.

The first meeting of “VICENZAORO Meets” proposed a joint accounts telling, moderated by the manager and writer, Sebastiano Zanolli, having as protagonists some VICENZAORO Exhibitors – Casato, Falcinelli, Utopia, De Simone, Scanavin, Muraro Lorenzo, Crivelli, Legi Int., DML, Nuovi Gioielli, Better Silver, Arpas. Entrepreneurs gave their own accounts of company cases differing from one another, yet all connected by the main theme of quality, courage, concreteness and by the capacity of finding new opportunities on foreign markets.

The debate will continue today – Sunday, 8 September, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. – with the second Event that will involve the companies Fairline, Mazza Mattia, Cesare-Rinaldi, Zydo, New York Collection, Giante, Karizia, Clioro, Aspire, Gioielleria Isabella and Brumani. These companies will be asked about the meaning of making business today, as well as to express their ideas and suggestions for the gold and jewellery industry.

Today, also the Memorandum of Understanding between Fiera di Vicenza and the Armenian Jewellers Association (AJA) has been signed. This latter company owns and organises the Yerevan International Jewellery Show, the most important Armenian show dedicated to jewellery, taking place every year in October in the capital of the Eurasian country. This collaboration, representing a further step in the establishment of strategical partnerships for the internationalisation of VICENZAORO and of its formats, aims at exploring new promotional opportunities, developing joint actions at the exhibitions dedicated to jewellery and the related technology organised in the corresponding exhibition centres.

“This feature opens new, interesting collaboration opportunities to start common actions in the corresponding exhibition centres: cross marketing projects, promotional activities, buyer engagement, creation of events and road shows, communication. – commented the President of Fiera di Vicenza, Mr. Paolo Mantovani – The target is to increase the opportunities for demand and offer matching, also in the new markets thanks to partners deep rooted in each context”.

“I am sure that by joining our forces – said the Vice-President of AJA, Mr. Artak Udumyan – we will be able to reach successful targets magnifying their scope thanks to new synergies. I would like to thank the President of Fiera di Vicenza, Mr. Mantovani, the management of Fiera di Vicenza and everyone that contributed to the reaching of this agreement that I hope will be able to generate new business opportunities”.

On Monday, 9 September, the spotlights will be focused on the future prospects and strategies of Fiera di Vicenza and of the brand VICENZAORO at the meeting ‘La Nostra Fiera’ (Our Exhibition Centre), scheduled to take place at 8 p.m. at the Lounge at the West entrance of the fairgrounds. The President, Mr. Paolo Mantovani, moderated by the journalist, author and TV presenter, Natascha Lusenti, will outline to entrepreneurs and operators the updating of the guidelines of the Strategic Plan 2013/2017. At this meeting there will be, Licia Mattioli, President of Federorafi, Franco Pozzebon, National President of the goldsmiths of Confartigianato, and the Master Gianmaria Buccellati.

The calendar of the third day of the Exhibit offers also a meeting on the future jewellery and style trends expected for 2015, curated by TRENDVISION Jewellery + Forecasting, as well as two events organised in collaboration with Federpreziosi and Assogemme dedicated respectively to the red coral of Trapani and to the evolution of x-ray analysis applied to pearls.

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