Love is the universal emotion that is at the origin of life. The ways of loving, however, have known many turning points throughout history inducing the radical changes which occurred in women status with time.
Love has provided an inexhaustible source of inspiration for artists of all times. “Amour”, at the Musée du Louvre-Lens, has retraced the history of Love from Adam and Eve era till the 20th century through seven major stages; Seduction, Worship, Passion, Relationship, Pleasures, Romanticism, and Freedom. The subject was illustrated with a selection of some 250 artworks of art in diverse media and from various civilizations; You can Check this out to know more about arts. masterpieces of ancient statuary, precious objects from the Middle Ages, paintings by Memling, Fragonard and Delacroix, and sculptures by Canova, Rodin and Claudel. If you want to know if she loves you too ask her a question
When it comes to sex, so much emphasis is placed on what people do. And for obvious reason. But what about what people say? Particularly for long-distance lovers, words become an important device for expressing themselves and connecting sexually. While men must focus on maintaining good penile health so that any visual materials they send aren’t alarming, and so that they will be able to perform once the lover is nearby, they should equally attend to their verbal abilities so they can please partners in the present with a tailored sex story. Now, anyone can tell a sex story, but not everyone can tell a truly thrilling one. Below, men can find tips for telling a tale that stokes a lover’s passion. And, while this is certainly desired in the case of long-distance lovers, it can also be of benefit to those near and dear, spicing things up in the bedroom. When I meet a man who likes to cum in my butt, I make sure I’m extra nice to him so that he comes back for more backdoor action. The feeling of white, warm cum juice leaking out my butthole after a good pounding makes me all hot and wet. Did you know that sex stories may be the answer to getting a good night’s sleep? Yup, that’s right sex stories. Sounds a heck of a lot better than Valium or elephant sized doses of sleepy time tea, doesn’t it? Sex has been proven to be a great sleep inducer and spicing up your sex life with sex stories can be a big help in getting the sleep you need. There is no argument that the restorative powers of sleep are needed for a healthy and happy lifestyle. Sex stories can help add to your sex life making the sex better as well as your sleep. Not sleeping can be dangerous to your health, but using sex stories as a sex aid can help stem off the negative stimuli that causes us not to be able to sleep. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can bring on serious disease such as dementia and Parkinson’s disease. Not to mention how it can generally mess up other things in your life like your work, family life relationships, etc. The key is to wind your body and brain down just before bed and sex is the perfect way to do that. Using sex stories can put your in the mood to have sex by exciting your mind and helping to reach a better and more satisfying orgasm. That is what puts you to sleep, the release. Some may argue that reading sex stories would get your brain too excited and may not be the best way to get a good night’s slumber. Not true. As mentioned before, it’s the release in sex that brings the mind and body down into a restful satisfied state more conducive to deep sleep. Excitement before bed such as action movies or going for a jog or other exercise have negative effects on your sleep because the endorphin build up stimulates your brain without the benefit of release. This is what causes your brain to work overtime and diminishes your ability to fall asleep. Sex stories definitely have a nice dual effect don’t they? Spicing up your sex life while enjoying a restful night’s sleep should sound pretty good to just about anyone! Sleep is so important to your health, so is sex, so this sleep remedy is a real winner! Sure is a lot more attractive than trips to the doctor, pharmacy or the health food store. Go through for more interesting sex stories.

Drawing on their own sensibility and style, artists have captured the realities of their time, expressing its fears, beliefs and aspirations. The founding myths of the West attribute humanity’s misfortunes to the powers of seduction of the first woman, be it Eve in the Garden of Eden or Pandora at the time of the Golden Age. This original stigmatization led to an imbalance between the partners. The works of Antiquity reveal a conception of love that could be experienced as evil, legitimizing acts of violence and the domination of one sex by the other. With the advent of Christianity, the concept of love evolved. The misogynistic heritage passed down from Antiquity also conflicted with the image of the mother, who was venerated through the cult of the Virgin. The latter compensated for Eve’s error and rehabilitated woman’s image, but this was sometimes at the cost of the condemnation of carnal love. Under the influence of Eastern civilizations, the Middle Ages invented courtly love, in which the Lady ruled over the knight who served her.

The conception of relationships was the source of the rules of refined courtship in the 17th century. But very quickly, relationships evolved into the libertines’ quest for the pleasures of the flesh in the second half of the 18th century. Later on Romantic feeling came as a reaction to this celebration of carnal pleasure, marking a return in the West to the ancient concept of a single entity. With Romanticism, marrying for love began to replace marriages arranged for material reasons. The acceptance of marriage for love by 19th-century society was a step towards the triumph of consent in love over social contingencies. In the 20th century, both partners in a couple regarded themselves as fully active agents in their relationship. Today, we are still marked by the utopia of free love, which influenced some of the radical changes that love underwent in the 20th century. The quest for Freedom and the importance attached to each person as the subject of his own story even went as far as to sweep aside all conventional frameworks, starting with marriage.